Car Art, Inc.
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Suddenly One Summer
Additional Views:   enlarged   artist:   Jack VETTRIANO
Paul Bracq, designer of car
Media Size Edition Price 
ORIGINAL SOLD 32" x 28" 1 $0
Sold Out
Poster 32" x 24" open edition $95
Poster 20" x 16" open edition $75
Artist Notes:
"This is actually painted onto a door.  I did that because I couldn't wait for a canvas to get made!  Anyway, around 1980 I met this woman who I rather took to, and it was a sort of summer thing.  I just got to thinking about how summer is the time for people to make big mistakes in relationships.  The sun’s shining -- people are a bit heady.  So I put her standing on a promenade with bunting hanging between the lampposts.  The idea was that she's got a lover who she meets there on a regular basis and suddenly he's gone.  It's the end of the summer, the skies are grey and angry looking and, suddenly one summer, you fall into love and you get your heart broken.  And there's the car too -- I still own that car, it's a wee Mercedes Sports, 1966, which I just love.

"Actually it was the model who suggested the look for this particular painting. She said to me, "Why don't we do a sort of Audrey Hepburn thing?" And I thought, that'd be great; that'd be great!"

Paul Bracq Gallery
Suddenly One Summer

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